List Of Maui Missing: Names Of Hundreds Missing Persons Released

The List Of Maui Missing has crossed over more than a hundred names. 

The Hawaiian island of Maui has recently seen devastating wildfires, leaving at least 115 people dead and an unknown number of others still missing.

 With recovery efforts ongoing, the authorities recently released the list of Maui missing, containing the names and contact details of 388 individuals still unaccounted for following the fires. 

Amongst those still missing is Amy Bradley, an American citizen who disappeared during a cruise in 1998. 

Let’s delve into the latest developments surrounding Amy Bradley’s disappearance amidst the Maui wildfires.

The Maui wildfires have been particularly destructive, causing widespread damage to residential and commercial properties alike. 

With recovery efforts in full swing, authorities have released the list of Maui missing containing 388 names of individuals who remain unaccounted for. 

Amongst those names is that of Amy Bradley, a 23-year-old American who went missing from a Royal Caribbean cruise ship in March 1998.

Despite numerous developments in the case, including sightings of Bradley in ports worldwide, she has remained missing for over two decades.

Nearly 400 people are still listed as unaccounted for after this month’s devastating wildfires on Maui – a dramatic drop from the more than 1,000 previously believed missing but still a stark indicator of the disaster’s tragic impact

— CNN (@CNN) August 25, 2023

Deadly Maui Fires

The Maui fires have been amongst the deadliest in the United States in over a century, leaving a trail of destruction. 

The fires, which began on August 8, have caused the death of at least 115 people, with an unknown number of others still missing. 

Recovery efforts have been ongoing since the fires began, with authorities conducting search and rescue operations in affected areas. 

With the release of the list of Maui missing, authorities hope to gain further insight into the whereabouts of those who remain unaccounted for.

List of Maui Missing persons

The list of Maui missing contains the names and contact details of 388 individuals who have yet to be accounted for following the wildfires.

The list has been widely circulated, with authorities urging anyone with information about those on the list to come forward. 

Amongst those listed on the document is Amy Bradley, who went missing during a Royal Caribbean cruise in 1998. 

Despite numerous sightings and leads, Bradley’s disappearance has long remained one of the most enduring mysteries in recent memory.

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Recent Developments

Despite the ongoing search for those still missing in the aftermath of the Maui wildfires, there have been no concrete developments in the search for Amy Bradley in recent weeks. 

However, authorities continue to urge anyone with information about the case to come forward, hoping that the release of the list of Maui missing might yield new leads. 

With the eyes of the world on Maui in the aftermath of the deadly wildfires, the search for Bradley has once again been thrust into the public consciousness.
